extremist groups and movements in america
- American Border Patrol/American Patrol -The first listed group was essentially an Arizona extension of American Patrol, which is also known as Voice of Citizens Together. This one of the most virulent anti-immigrant groups around - Southern poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group
- Anarchists - With sympathizers on both the right and the left, anarchists see government as illegitimate and seek to sow chaos. Today, many young anarchists are members of the Anti-Racist Action, a national network of antifa associations, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. - A Movement - Not a Hate Group
- Antifa - An Anti-facist, far-left activist movement opposed to neo-Nazis and other extremist groups. Followers show up at right-wing rallies dressed in black and wearing masks and often engage in violent confrontations.. According to the Anti-Defamation League, which monitors extremists, Antifa aims to “intimidate and dissuade racists,” but its aggressive tactics including physical confrontations can create “a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counter-attacks and blame, ”The Southern Poverty Law Center says it does not label antifa as a hate group in part because antifa members "do not promote hatred based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity." - A Movement - Not a Hate Group
- The Aryan Brotherhood, also known as The Brand, Alice Baker, AB or One-Two - The nation’s oldest major white supremacist prison gang and a national crime syndicate. Founded in 1964 by Irish bikers as a form of protection for white inmates in newly desegregated prisons, the AB is today the largest and deadliest prison gang in the United States, with an estimated 20,000 members inside prisons and on the streets.
- Black Lives Matter - A movement born from a social media expression against police brutality and has grown to become a clarion call for racial justice around the world. A Movement - Not a Hate Group
- Boogaloo/Boogaloo Bois - An anti-government militia movement, an online community of pro-gun activists who advocate for a second boogaloo, their term of choice for civil war. They are primarily white libertarians who claim they are fighting tyranny. Boogaloo followers anticipate the government will attempt to confiscate people’s guns. Their ideology itself is not white supremacist, but some white supremacist groups have embraced it, the ADL found. “Whereas the militia movement (and) radical gun rights activists typically promote the boogaloo as a war against the government or liberals, white supremacists conceive of the boogaloo as a race war or a white revolution,” the ADL wrote.- A Movement - Not a Hate Group
- Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Founded by David Duke in 1975, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has attempted to put a "kinder, gentler" face on the Klan, courting media attention and attempting to portray itself as a modern "white civil rights" organization. But beneath that veneer lurks the same bigoted rhetoric. - Southern Poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group
- Nation of Islam - Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate. - Southern poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group
- National Socialist Movement - An organization that specializes in theatrical and provocative protests, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) is one of the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi groups in the United States. - Southern Poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group
- New Black Panther Party - A virulently racist and antisemitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officer - Southern Poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group
- Proud Boys - An"alt-lite" group established in the midst of the 2016 presidential election by VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys are self-described “western chauvinists” who adamantly deny any connection to the racist “alt-right,” insisting they are simply a fraternal group spreading an “anti-political correctness” and “anti-white guilt” agenda. They are known for their misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic, and anti-immigration ideology and rhetoric. Some members espouse white supremacist and anti-Semitic ideologies and/or engage with white supremacist groups, Members have been known to engage in violent tactics; several members have been convicted of violent crimes. - Southern Poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group
- Stormfront - Created by former Alabama Klan boss and long-time white supremacist Don Black in 1995, Stormfront was the first major hate site on the Internet. Claiming more than 300,000 registered members as of May 2015 (though far fewer remain active), the site has been a very popular online forum for white nationalists and other racial extremists. - Southern Poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group
- White Lives Matter - A racist response to the civil rights movement Black Lives Matter, is a neo-Nazi group that is growing into a movement as more and more white supremacist groups take up its slogans and tactics. - Southern Poverty Law Center Designated Hate Group
Picture books
The 1619 Project: Born on the Water by Nikole Hannah Jones - JUV FIC HAN
- Across the Alley by Richard Michelson - JUV FIC MIC
- All Different Now by Angela Johnson - JUV FIC JOH
- The American Indian Rights Movement by Eric Braun - JUV 323.1197 BRA
- The Anne Frank Case by Susan Goldman Rubin - JUV 940.0092 RUB
- Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky by Faith Ringgold - JUV FIC RIN
- Bartali's Bicycle: the True Story of Gino Bartali, Italy's Secret Hero by Megan Hoyt - JUV 796.092 HOY
- Baseball Saved Us by Ken Mochi - JUV FIC MOC
- Book Itch: freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson - JUV FIC NEL
- Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers' Strike of 1909 by MIchelle Market - JUV 331.892 MAR
- Before She Was Harriet by Lesa Cline-Ransome - JUV 973.092 CLI
- The Brave Cyclist: The True Story of a Holocaust Hero by Amalia Hoffman - JUV 796.6092 HOF
- The Case for Moving by Selina Alko - JUV 306.846 ALK
- Change Sings by Amanda Gorman - JUV FIC GOR
- Child of the Civil Rights Movement by Paula Young Shelton - JUV 323.1196 SHE
- The Colors of Us by Karen Katz - JUV FIC KAT
- Dad, Jackie, and Me by Myron Uhlberg - JUV FIC UHL
- Dave the Potter by Laban Carrick Hill - JUV 738.092 HIL
- Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights by Jim Haskins - JUV 323.092 HAS
- Dolores Huerta: A Hero to Migrant Workers by Sarah Warden - JUV 331.4092 WAR
- Elizabeth Started All the Trouble by Doreen Rappaport - JUV 323.3 RAP
- Ellen's Broom by Kelly Starling Lyons - JUV FIC LYO
- Exquisite: The Poetry and Life of Gwendolyn Brooks by Suzanne Slade - JUV 811.54 SLA
- Fight of the Century: Alice Paul Battles Woodrow Wilson for the Vote by Barb Rosenstock - JUV 324.6092
- First Step: How One Girl Put Segregation on Trial by Susan E. Goodman - JUV 344.744 GOO
- Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History by Walter Dean Myers - JUV 973.8092 MYE
- Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-ins by Carole Boston Weatherford - JUV FIC WEA
- Freedom Over Me: Eleven Slaves, Their Lives and Dreams Brought to Life by Ashley Bryall - JUV 811 BRY
- Freedom Summer by Deborah Wiles - JUV FIC WIL
- The Girl from the Tar Paper School: Barbara Rose Johns and the Advent of the Civil Rights Movement by Teri Kanfield - JUV 323.092 KAN
- Granddaddy's Turn: A Journey to the Ballot Box by Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein - JUV FIC BAN
- Grandfather's Gift by Margaree King Mitchell - JUV FiC MIT
- The Great Migration: An American Story by Jacob Lawrence - JUV 759.13 LAW
- Hands Around the Library: Protecting Egypt's Treasured Books by Susan L. Roth - JUV 962.05 ROT
- Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez by Kathleen Krull - JUV 331.88092 KRU
- Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly - JUV 510.92 SHE
- I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - JUV 323.092 KIN
- I, Too, Am America by Langston Hughes - JUV 811.52 HUG
- If a Bus Could Talk: The Story of Rosa Parks by Faith Ringgold - JUV 323.092 RIN
- The Journey by Francesca Sanna - JUV FIC SAN
- Let the Children March by Monica Clark-Robinson _ JUV FIC CLA
- Let's Talk About Race by Julius Lester - JUV 305.98 LES
- Libba by Laura Veirs - JUV 782.0092 VEI
- Lillian's Right to Vote: A Celebration of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by Jonah Winter - JUV FIC WIN
- The Little Boy Star by Rachel Hausfater - JUV FIC HAU
- Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison - JUV 920.72 HAR
- Lizzie Demands a Seat: Elizabeth Jennings Fights for Streetcar Rights by Beth Anderson - JUV 323.092 AND
- Malala: A Brave Girl From Pakistan/Iqbal: A Brave Boy From Pakistan by Jeanette Winter - JUV 331.3092 WIN
- Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai - JUV 371.822 YOU
- Mama Africa!: How Miriam Makeba Spread Hope with Her Song by Kathryn Erskine - JUV 782.092 ERK
- Moses: when Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom by Carole Boston Weatherford - JUV FIC WEA
- Mother Jones and Her Army of Mill Children by Jonah Winter - JUV 331.092 WIN
- Muddy: The Story of Blues Legend Muddy Waters by Michael Mahin - JUV 782.092 MAH
- My Daddy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by Martin Luther King III - JUV 323.092 KIN
- My Name Is Sangoel by Karen Williams - JUV 372.412 WIL
- My Name is Truth: The Life of Sojourner Truth by Ann Turner - JUV 306.3092 TUR
- Nasreen's Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan by Jeanette Winter - JUV 371.823 WIN
- One Green Apple by Eve Bunting - JUV FIC BUN
- Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth by Anne Rockwell - JUV 306.3092 ROC
- Overground Railroad by Lesa Cline-Ransome - JUV FIC CLI
- Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco - JUV FIC POL
- A Place to Land: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Speech That Inspired a Nation by Barry Wittenstein - JUV 323.092 WIT
- The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family by Ibtihaj Muhammad - JUV FIC MUH
- Razia's Ray of Hope: One Girl's Dream of an Education by Elizabeth Suneby - JUV FIC SUN
- Rent Party Jazz by William Miller - JUV FIC MIL
- Rosa by Nikki Giovanni - JUV 323.092 GIO
- Ruth and the Green Book by Calvin Alexander Ramsey - JUV FIC RAM
- Searching for Sarah Rector: The Richest Black Girl in America by Tonya Bolden - JUV 976.6092 BOL
- Seeds of Freedom: The Peaceful Integration of Huntsville, Alabama by Hester Bass - JUV 323.1196 BAS
- Separate is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez & Her Family's Fight for Desegregation - JUV 379.263 TON
- She Stood for Freedom by Loki Mulholland and Angela Fairwell - JUV 323.092 MUL
- Shirley Chisholm is a Verb! by Veronica Chambers - JUV 328.7092 CHA
- Sit-in: How Four Friends Stood Up By Sitting Down by Andrea Davis Pinkney - FJUV 323.1106 PIN
- So Tall Within: Sojourner Truth's Long Walk Toward Freedom by Gary D. Schmidt - JUV 326 SCH
- Somos Como las Nubes / We Are Like the Clouds by Jorge Argueta - JUV 861.64 ARG
- Steamboat School by Deborah Hopkinson - JUV FIC HOP
- The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles - JUV 379.2092 COL
- A Sweet Smell of Roses by Angela Johnson - JUV FIC JOH
- The Teachers March!: How Selma's Teachers Changed History by Sandra Wallace - JUV 323..1196 WAL
- That is My Dream! by Langston Hughes and Daniel Miyares - JUV 811.54 HUG
- Through My Eyes by Ruby Bridges - JUV 379.2 BRI
- Thurgood by Jonah Winter - JUV 347.73 WIN
- The Tree in the Courtyard by Jeff Gottesfeld - JUV FIC GOT
- The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander - JUV 811.6 ALE
- Tomas and the Library Lady by Pat Mora - JUV FIC MOR
- Unspeakable: the Tulsa Race Massacre by Carole Boston Weatherford - JUV 976.6 WEA
- Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer Voice of the Civil Rights Movement by Carole Boston Weatherford - JUV 323.092 WEA
- We Are Still Here! : Native American Truths Everyone Should Know by Traci Sorell - JUV 973.04 SOR
- When We Were Alone by David Alexander Robertson - JUV FIC ROS
- The Whispering Town by Jennifer Elvgren - JUV FIC ELV
- White Water by Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein - JUV FIC BAN
- Wishes by Muon Van - JUV FIC VAN
- The Youngest Marcher: The Story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a Young Civil Rights Activist by Cynthia Levinson - JUV 323.092 LEV
- The Beast Inside by D. Watkins - 305.896 WAT
- Carry On: Reflections for a New Generation by John Lewis - 328.73092 LEW
- His Truth is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope by Jon Meacham - 328 73092 MEC
- October Mourning: a Song for Matthew Shepard - FIC NEW [English Novels]
- The Most powerful Words about Civil Rights by Sarah Smykowski - JUV 323.1196 SMY
- The Other Talk: Reckoning with Our White Privilege by Brendan Kiely - 305.809 KIE
- Separate No More: the Long Road to Brown v. Board of Education by Lawrence Goldstone - 323.1196 GOL
- This Land is My Land by Andy Warner - GRA 320.9172 WAR
civil rights cases
- Loving vs. Virginia: a Documentary Novel of the Landmark Civil Rights Case by Patricia Hruby Powell - HIS FIC POW
- Race Against Time: the untold Story of Scipio Jones and the Battle to Save Twelve Innocent Men by Sandra Neil Wallace - 976.788 WAL
- Separate No More: the Long Road to Brown v. Board of Education by Lawrence Goldstone - 323.1196 GOL
- Fault Lines in the Constitution: the Framers, Their Fights, and the Flaws that Affect Us Today by Cynthia Levinson - GRA 342.7302 LEV
- You Call This Democracy: How to Fix Our Government and Deliver Power to the People by Elizabeth Rusch - 320.973 RUS
freedom around the world
- Before We Were Free by Julia Alvarez - His fic ALV
- The World Beneath: One South African Boy's Struggle to be Free by Janice Warman - HIS FIC WAR
protest movements
- #Never Again: a New Generation Draws the Line by David Hogg - 371.7 HOG
- Kent State by Deborah Wiles - FIC WIL [English Novles]
- Sanctuary Somewhere by Brenna Dimming - REA FIC DEM